Thursday, March 12, 2009

Forde and other things

I want to write some posts on Forde's On Being a Theologian of the Cross when I get a chance. I want to also summarize some more dental seminar sessions.

Presently, however, I should take care of my household (like buy some milk and stock the fridge after being away). Also, I'm compelled to read the "Martin Luther's Basic Theological Writings", edited by Timothy F. Lull, on my bookshelf, before I say much else.

For today, I'll just post this thesis from the Heidelberg Disputation (these scholastic disputations are something else):

Thesis 7: The works of the righteous would be mortal sins if they would not be feared as mortal sins by the righteous themselves out of pious fear of God.

A key, here, in all our debates about law and gospel, seems to me to realize that whatever we do, converted or not, however good it looks, and however much it helps a neighbor, has always this stench of our self-centeredness connected to it. Hence, at all times, we are cast upon the mercy of God in Christ.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"... whatever we do, converted or not, however good it looks, and however much it helps a neighbor, has always this stench of our self-centeredness connected to it. Hence, at all times, we are cast upon the mercy of God in Christ."

That ought to be enough to keep us off our high horse. (but it often isn't)