- Now, Lord, you let your servant go in peace:
- your word has been fulfilled.
- My own eyes have seen the salvation
- which you have prepared in the sight of every people;
- A light to reveal you to the nations
- and the glory of your people Israel.
Last Sunday, we had the stories of Anna and Simeon at the temple. The pastor's sermon began with his own bucket list. He and his wife want to see Eastern Canada after they retire, for instance. Then we went on to Anna and Simeon who knew that they would see the Savior.
It is really an amazing thing to think of these saints and how they lived out their lives in prayer and expectation. Their joy at finally seeing the baby in the temple was exultant. And Simeon was ready to depart.
Strange, that we need to complete certain things before we feel completely ready to depart. But Simeon! Simeon got the see the Savior with his own eyes. We believe, though we have not seen, and this is a privilege. Simeon waited in faith, and finally got to see, and we get to hear about this marvelous event. Jesus was revealed to Simeon in the flesh. -- God is faithful.
Our hope is not vain.
"Jesus is kommen, Grund ewiger Freude"--"Jesus has come, the cause of our eternal joy."

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