Monday, July 4, 2011

The Fifth Commandment

You shall not kill.

We should fear and love God so that we cause no harm to our neighbor's body but are of assistance to him in any physical needs he may have.

You shall not kill.

81.  Genesis 9:6.  Whoever sheds the blood of man, his blood shall also be shed by men;  this is because God has made man in his image.

82.  Proverbs 24,8.  He who predetermines to hurt others, him you shall call an evil person.

We should not harm our neighbor's body.

83.  Matthew 5:21-22.  You heard that it was said to the people of old:  you shall not kill but whoever kills, he shall be liable to judgment.  But I say to you:  whoever is angry with his brother, he is guilty of judgment and whoever says to his brother:  'Racha', he is guilty to be brought to council;  but who ever says:  'You fool', he is guilty of the fires of hell.

84.  1 John 3:15.  Whoever hates his brother is a murderer; and you know that a murderer will not have eternal life.

85.  Proverbs 24:17.  Do not rejoice in the fall of your enemy, and your heart not be glad in his misery.

86.  James 3:14-16.  But if you have bitter enmity and rancor in your heart, do not be proud of that, and do not lie against the truth;  because this is not the wisdom which comes from above, but wordy, human and from the devil;  because where ever there is envy and disunity, there is disorder and simply and evil thing.

87.  Romans 12:19.  Do not take your own revenge, my loved ones, leave it be, giving room to God's wrath because it is written: "Vengence is mine;  I will repay, says the Lord."

88.  Jeremiah 9:8.  There false tongues are murderous arrows;  with their mouth they speak in a friendly manner to their neighbor, but in their heart they are lying in wait for him.



Dear Lord Jesus, have mercy, we are all undone.  Our hearts are murderous pits.

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