Friday, April 8, 2011

Luther's Small Catechism with Explanation Links plus Michael Spencer's Anniversary of Death Interview

Below, Michael Spencer with some points about Lutheranism and its presentation.

Michael is really quite unforgettable.  His insights were sharp.  His understanding of the good news was profound.

New reformation press features also some other excellent talks.


James Swan said...

I recall Michael wanted to interview me at one point. He sent me an e-mail asking, but at the time I was too busy.

James Swan said...

That being said, I don't know too much about him.

Brigitte said...

You missed an opportunity of a life-time. But so it happens.

He ran a very excellent blog in many respects. People of all kinds of backgrounds interacted respectfully and supportively and meaningfully.

One thing I think about, he had a reasonable moderation policy. There were some definite guidelines in place and enforced, but always with communication and understanding. Sometimes, we Lutherans got miffed about his nearly filtering out comments about sacraments and such. But generally, it was even-handed and kind.

He had a policy of Christians not trying to convert Christians when there is a world full of people who don't know Christ, still he understood very well the kinds of distresses people could live under when the gospel is obscured by wrong theology.

Love was first with him, as with Christ and Paul. Love born of faith. There was an example, there.

Brigitte said...

I'm afraid I am sounding really wishy-washy. But it was not so simple with Michael. He understood things and people quite well.