Today I have a very special visitor, just returned from her lengthy military tour to Afghanistan. We have a lot to talk about before she heads out on a quick vacation.
I am going to make some more Hefe-quark-stueckchen (Yeast-cottage cheese- little cakes) for her. I think I'll take some pictures then I can teach you how to make them. We have decided in our house that these are much nicer and lighter than cookies. They also come out well from the freezer. Just throw them in the microwave before eating. If they come out a little warm from thawing in the microwave that is especially nice with the flavor of the cheese.
My visitor also has lived in Germany for a while. She likes her coffee nice and strong with real cream. I'll have to get some cream still, and a card or present. What do you give returning soldiers?
There is no recipe needed for this, just make sure you have some yeast and some cottage cheese and real butter is of advantage, too--basically all staples.
I think the book study of "Christ have Mercy" will continue tomorrow. We had a good discussion about yesterday's section as a family and I noticed, too, that the United Church came to the blog. I hope they got something out of it. Paul McCain, has something posted about a heretical curriculum for children. It dovetails right into yesterday's topic.
Does Capitalism Necessarily Destroy Souls?
2 weeks ago
I will be going to Afghanistan on 7June for 6 months.
I'll send you my address over there. Those H-Q-steuecken sound good!
Jonathan! That's right away! Do send the address. What will you be doing? I mean what's your role? My friend works as a clerk and she never had to leave the compound.
We spent the entire afternoon and had the Hefe stueckchen. Fascinating accounts and the baking turned out.
Big hug for the tour. XO. And prayers. Lord be with you.
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