Thursday, January 14, 2010

Handel and treadmill

I don't have anything thoughtful to report though I have been thinking about the way we call pastors.

Last night, exercised to Handel's Solomon on my I-Pod. Got in 45 minutes on the treadmill this way working harder than usual. So that was good. Someone recommended Handel for workouts. Thank you. That was helpful.

I could not make out the text well while exercising, so I looked it up. A little bit of praying for wisdom, a little bit about wedded love, a little on wise decisions such as regarding the infant and the two women, always praising God for this gift of wisdom, a little on the Queen of Sheba rejoicing with him, finishing with the praise of God, who alone is just and wise.

The libretto can be found here.

A sample aria is below:

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