Saturday, October 10, 2009

Gary sent me two hymns

Gary sent me two hymns as a present! Thank you very much.
Nice to see you today.

1. "Die gueldne Sonne" has always been everyone's favorite. (What's it in English?--Here it is: LSB 726, Evening and Morning, though only 4 verses) I think I know the whole thing by heart. THIS is what an organ should sound like: a pipe organ in a stone building. Electronic organ in a wood building is just nothing comparable. How the congregation always has to drag. First thing I learned was not to listen to it. Go for it and play the right speed.

2. Regarding the reed variation in the Berlin church: you are right it would be a nice change from bell choir at Christmas. I don't see what people like about bell choirs, though they can be fun to play in. Though, I think Martin would complain if he had to listen to this. But can't please them all. Opinions?

OK, Martin listened to it now. He said: "Gross!"
(My polite Japanese brother-in-law would say: "Not my favorite.")

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