Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My last three organs

OK, Gary, I am yielding my last three organs. That's it.

1) My cousin's child's Playmobile church.
2) The organ for the wedding in Michaelskirche. The one I took my lessons on. I talked with the organist. She says, of course, I would have had my lessons from Cantor Miller. Which was of course, so. (OK, you've twisted my arm. There will be music samples.) (Oh, yes, I sang up there, too. Bach's Easter Cantata and Buxtehude.)
3) The organ at Christuskirche, Aschaffenburg. My mother sang in the Kantorei up on that balcony (Empore). The pieces she practiced over and over to the record player are forever etched in my mind note for note and word for word. (Mozart's requiem. My favorite part of the Requiem is "Lacrymosa,... dies illa, quam resurget ex favilla, judicantus, homo reus..." See, I know all the words still. Several Bach Cantatas. "Israel, hoffe auf den Herrn". How does it start. A psalm. Ah, ya. "Aus der Tiefe, rufe ich Herr zu Dir." "From the depths of woe I cry to thee.") Once they were even on national television for a broadcast service, which was a big deal because there are a thousand Kantorei's and there were only two TV stations, then.

It sounds like bragging, but these musical experiences in childhood are quite unforgettable. (Not that I don't like other music, too.)

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