Sunday, June 30, 2013

Catholic Priest beheaded in Syria

My heart stops.  I won't be watching the video.  It would be etched in my mind forever.

But those who can should watch it.  Read the article, at least.

Catholic Priest Beheaded in Syria by Al Qaeda Linked Rebels as Men and Children Cheer on and Take Pictures

May the martyrs' blood be the seed of the church.  I have begun fasting and praying for our brothers and sisters around the globe and all the poor people hurt by strife and warfare.

Also, this news story, in German, about the 100 000 Christians in Mosul and Iraq, which are no more.  The ones who are left worry daily about being sold to terrorists at any checkpoint that they have to pass.

My friend made this prayer on Facebook.  We shall add our Amen:

Eternal rest, grant unto him, O Lord
and let perpetual light shine upon him. May our brothers and sisters be strengthened in their faith and protected from all assaults of our enemies, and may your light, through them, reach into the darkest corners of mankind.

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