Thursday, February 4, 2010

Talking about books

You might like to go read Pastor Bror Erickson's post at Utah Lutheran on the new translation completed by him of the Giertz "The Knights of Rhodes".  The book is now available.  

I haven't read it yet but it must be a winner, knowing the quality of Giertz's thoughts and writing. Recently Bror featured a different summary of the book on his blog.  Maybe we can link to that, too.

The publisher also has an interesting website.  They kindly sold me 5 books at 40% off. 


Bror Erickson said...

5 books at 40% off, you almost got the Author discount! Thanks for the purchase, one of these days I'll have to make the trip up to Siberia so I can sign them for you!

Brigitte said...

Sing? The Vespers?

Bror Erickson said...

not sure what the sing is all about, unless you edited a typo where I wrote sign, but you definitely got the books for a song.

Brigitte said...

Sign, not sing. Too fast. Thanks. Yea, you can "sing" the whole book. Might be nice?

If you're not buying 5 it's still 20% off.

Going basement painting.

Bror Erickson said...

Cranach renditions in the basement? I joke but then sometimes I think it would be cool to actually have someone paint and make a wall in my house one big picture.

Brigitte said...

As long as it increases the resale value of the house. :) Could be questionable.

Bror Erickson said...


Brigitte said...

Well with that painting, you'll have to stay there then forever, so to speak.

You could paint the side of the church building with a nice Cranach. A bleeding lamb or crucifix right in your neighborhood there. There's an idea.