Saturday, October 15, 2011

Flannery, my new friend

If I've seemed a little distracted from my blog, it is due to travelling but also due to the reading of Flannery O'Connor.

I have finished all her fiction and am working on the "Occasional Prose" and "Letters."  Actually, it was Samuel Scoville who has kindly put me onto her, and for a change, my husband and I have been enjoying some American short stories and short novels.

Here is a great blog titled "If Flannery had a blog", with wonderful quotes and stories.  This is a great place to start to get an idea of what she is about.

Flannery O'Connor was a Roman Catholic writer with overtly religous themes.  She makes you think deeply to figure out what the story, life, and your life is about.  She also surprises you with dramatic turns of events, which are often shocking but revealing.

Sam likes to say that Flannery O'Connor showed him that religion can "smart and be smart".  He also thought that as  Lutheran I might have more in common with her than I would expect, which has turned out to be true. Thanks, Sam.


Steve Martin said...

Thanks for the link, Brigitte.

I can't wait to get more aquainted with her.

Andrew said...

I discovered Flannery O'connor while in college. I didn't finish that course of study and am thousands of dollars in debt for a degree I don't have. But it's worth it.

Brigitte said...

Hi Andrew I've been thinking of you and your family. Where did you go to college? I was a science major and did not take much English literature.

Hi Steve, too. How are things in the State of perpetual wonderful weather? It's been an excellent fall here, but now we've had the frost.

Andrew said...

I went to Globe College/Minnesota School of Business. One of my electives was an English Lit. class and it is my favorite class that I ever took at any level. The highlight was discovering Southern Gothic writing and the crown jewel of that genre is, in my opinion, Flannery O'Connor.